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Welcome to EmoticonCollection.com

EmoticonCollection.com offers THOUSANDS of free smilies. Unlike other emoticon / smilie websites our site is 100% free of Spyware, Adware and Viruses.

We offer over a 1,800 smilies to you for free - no catch! All smilies can be downloaded, used on chat programs such as MSNM, AIM and AOL. They can also be used on any forum! We have even included the forum code for you under the smilie for direct linking!

What is an emoticon?

According to, Wikipedia, an emoticon, sometimes called a smiley, is a sequence of printable characters such as :), ^-^, or :-) or a small image that is intended to represent a human facial expression and convey an emotion. Emoticons are a form of paralanguage commonly used in email messages, in online bulletin boards, or in chat rooms. The word emoticon is a portmanteau based on emotion and icon.

Internet usage

In Internet forums, text emoticons are often automatically replaced with small corresponding images, which came to be called emoticons as well. In some versions of Microsoft Word, the Auto Correct feature recognizes basic smiles such as :) and :(. Many popular instant-messaging (IM) tools perform such replacement automatically when receiving a message. Originally, these image emoticons were fairly simple and replaced only the most straightforward and common text strings, but over time they became so complex that the more specialized emoticons are often input using a menu of sometimes hundreds of emoticons. Often these menus go beyond the realm of emoticons and also have other objects such as musical instruments and can sometimes make sounds upon receiving the message.

 Animals  Love
 Ashamed  Mad
 Character  Party
 Confused  Rolleye
 Cool  Sad
 Evilgrin  Scared
 Fighting  Sick
 Happy  Sign
 Indifferent  Tongue
 Innocent  Winking


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